How to use business value to drive growth

June 15, 2022

Whether you are at the beginning of your business journey or are running into an unexpected ‎delay just before reaching your destination, the concept of business value can be used like ‎GPS to help you find the best route for your business. Clint Bundy, Managing Director with Bundy Group, participated in a CSIA MasterClass Workshop on building and realizing value for automation companies.

Thanks to Control System Integrators Association (CSIA) and Clayton & McKervey for inviting Bundy Group to participate in this panel discussion.

Webinar Details

  • Why it is never too early (or too late) to start thinking ‎about the value of your business?‎
  • How do you define business value?‎
  • What are some of the differences between how buyers and sellers view value?‎
  • What are some specific areas a business owner can focus on to grow value?‎
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